
How ridiculous and how strange to be surprised at anything that happens in life. — Marcus Aurelius

that was a base mob wannabe move,
a Bergin Fish & Hunt Club on 101st Avenue move,
a turncoat who forgot to wear his 80’s Ozone Park overcoat move,
a he had a deal move, a farcical mob extortion move

a sabotage move, a whine to Volodymir, listen you, Vladimir is on my back move,
a TASS reporter wandered into the Oval Office, livestreaming to Moscow move,
the sidekick saying you need to say thank you, say thank you, say thank you move,
the sidekick who when clean still looks slightly dirty move

that was a you got nothing move, a you played your cards move,
a let me tell you, Putin went through a hell of a lot with me move,
a hysterical you’re gambling with WW3 move—the terrified tell move
that he’s not getting his marching orders done move

it was the dossier (!) move, the psychotic clown mobster move,
the aspiring autocrat move, the you already saw this bad movie move—
the corrupt senators, the brother called in from Vladivostok instead
of Palermo move, everyone keeping their mouth shut no comment move