Pome for Pols (Keil’s Constitutionalism)

‘ articles for Pete’sake

if he hasn’t taken leave of his senses


 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxyou were a navy guy

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxanchors away

talk soon

about your Sunshine Cabinet choices

4 or 5 people who might become Sec. of Defense

Sec. of State        Treasury Sec.       Comptroller General        Sec. of Interior

Secretaries of the two Departments that Marianne W is calling for

Peace                   Children

starts today Pete with you and Tulsi announcing

you are taking leave from the armed forces

at least until that Sec of the Navy is reinstated

and the legal processes of the armed forces are respected

you and Tulsi need to carry the Constitution with you wherever you go

talk about Sen. Byrd of West Virginia

talk about the 8th Amendment & the Ninth Amendment

talk about unifying the Democratic Party and the USA

in Constitutional terms

rule of law terms

 due process terms

 Articles of Impeachment terms

 comprehensive and complete impeachment Articles

must be sent to the Senate SOON

 by the end of the year

see David Swanson’s 25 Articles

a good START but not comprehensive and complete

see Jonathan French’s Article on Water issues

                             but first you and Tulsi and lawyers from the armed services need to preach a sermon on pimping the troops to the Prince of Saudi Arabia for an attack on Iran AT THE CORRUPT PRINCE’S COMMAND [TREASON]

& another sermon on “cruel and unusual” Navy seals fascified as ‘normal’

& another sermon on “Yemen Veto” dismissing Constitution on House war powers AND Constitution on House war budgets [potus ignoring Constitution on matters of life & death]

And YOU ALL need to use the verb “to fascify” and the noun “fascification”

to describe what Drumpf’s been doing    it’s not just 13,000 + falsifications


see our facebook pages:  We Need a Department of Peace

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTruth and Traditions