This piece was posted at the UC Santa Cruz website. Author Dan Simon reported on his conversation with Laurie Garrett—expert on epidemics (and a UC Santa Cruz alumna).
Monkey Time (2020)
Hundreds of hungry monkeys swarm across Thai street as 'rival gangs' fight over food after tourists who normally feed them stay away because of coronavirus
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) March 12, 2020
Click link above for longer version of this video and/or Read More to see it on bigger screen.
Herzog Imagines the Plague
H/T Ty Geltmaker. Click on Read More for bigger screen.
Interview with Michael Rumaker
The following interview with Michael Rumaker, conducted by Ammiel Alcalay and Megan Paslawski, appeared in the City Lights Books edition of Rumaker’s Robert Duncan in San Francisco. Appended to the interview is a note Alcalay wrote for Rumaker’s Memorial service last year.
Letter to an Editor: On NYRB’s “Liberal in Trump Land”
Your editor linked Nathan Osborne to this recent piece in New York Review of Books detailing a liberal local journalist’s experience in an upstate New York town full of Trump fans. Osborne replied as follows…
Love Generation: Virginia Admiral Remembers Robert Duncan
”The Red Table,” by Virginia Admiral
Encountering Steiner
I first met literary critic and philosopher George Steiner, who died February 3, in early 1964.
Intercommunalism (A New Decade of Ghosts)
my delusion is soaking through/makes my whole world wet with the idea of you
National Create A Vacuum Day (A Message from Iowa)
National Create A Vacuum Day on February 4th explores spaces void of matter. On this day, we are challenged to create one.
Hunger for Justice
Three asylum seekers of South Asian origin remain on a 90+ day hunger strike at the LaSalle Detention Center, an ICE processing facility in Jena, Louisiana.
Michelet on the Bastille
Excerpted from Jules Michelet’s History of the French Revolution, translated by Charles Cocks.