Broadway by Light

Watch the classic short film from 1958 by William Klein (with help from Alain Resnais and Chris Marker). Click on “Read more” for a bigger screen.

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Inequality & Two Cheers for Capitalism

In these days of pandemic isolation, as the world reels from one gut punch to the next, the future looks anything but rosy.  While the monied float on their yachts and in their two million dollar isolation rentals in the Hampton’s, the rest of us live in fear and anxiety.

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Alter Cocker

Even after this crisis is over, I will never stop feeling old. That’s what I’ve learned from the coronavirus. Old is not wise. Not just archaic. It is susceptible, assailable, penetrable—vulnerable.

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The Pharisee and the Coronavirus

I’ve been thinking about the Old Testament prophets lately. I distrust end-is-nigh-ism; that “end” is often just the destruction of some solipsistic fantasy. Life goes on in whatever seemingly hobbled form. The fundamentalists I grew up with understood those OT doom-sayers quite literally. The surreal omens promised a real-world destruction always five minutes from a moment exactly like now. But that now never comes.

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Coronavirus in China: Challenges to Authority

Le Wenliang Li Wenliang

“In this world there are no heroes descended from heaven, there are only ordinary people who come forward.”

During the lockdown in China prompted by Coronavirus, folk musical and ritual activities have been on hold—but some brave local performers have been reflecting the outbreak in online songs criticizing the Party’s handling of the crisis.[1]

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