
Childhood’s a house of slanted rooms
at the intersection of nostalgia and pain.
Has the spirit nowhere better to live?
The heart’s a predictable fist.

At the intersection of gender and pain,
girls learn disgust for their bodies.
The heart’s a predictable fist –
Open. Clench. Hungry, alive until not.

Girls learn disgust for their bodies,
heavy vessels of flesh that
open, clench. Hungry and alive until not.
You can’t stay safe there, can’t really leave.

Heavy vessel of memories,
the past takes so much attention.
You can’t stay safe there, can’t really leave.
What’s incomplete pursues us everywhere.

The past takes so much attention,
why has the spirit nowhere better to live?
What’s incomplete pursues us. Everywhere,
childhood’s house of slanted rooms.


Informed – Alison Stone (Available for pre-order).