Grace and Gravity

Klay Day.
Warming up before
Dub Nation.

A God returns:
A God in profile,
Resembling deities of ancient times:
Greek? Egyptian? Roman?

Like Dylan’s Egyptian kings-
No, it’s rings, not kings.
No matter.
He sparkles rather than speaks.

But in speakeasies all over,
We all speak more easily
With Klay Thompson back
The player everyone loves

From the outset,
Ooh, did he look good!
Supple, soft
That quick release is still there.

Early misses, no matter
You back, Klay
Ain’ nobody got to tell you:
Shoot the ball

That brash but inner-directed scowl
With which he celebrates
Exhorting himself with exaggerated facial gestures
To do it again

And again, ‘cause
Klay Thomson,
After 31 months,
Is back.