Sad Memes and the Limits of Radical Brokenness
r/2meirl4meirl is a “subreddit”[1] devoted to sad memes. People commiserate there in short blasts of image and text on how lonely and shitty life as a Millennial is.
Fuck Jeffrey Epstein (Varieties of Necro Leftism)
I was living in a devil town/I didn’t know it was a devil town
Sympathy for BeYelzebub
The best line from Jesus is King, Kanye’s new gospel album, comes halfway though its brief 28 minutes. “I thought the book of Job was a job.” It’s classic Ye—self-deprecating, stupid-corny (in a fun way), and a little sad. It’s honest about the cause of his recent hard times: himself. Five years ago he was claiming celebrities are the new slaves. I think processing that in good faith made us all a little stupider. His candor now is refreshing.
Burning Man
A clip from this 7 minute Q&A between Mike Pompeo and Nancy Amons–a reporter from a local news station in Nashville–made the national news late last week.
Allies in Unexpected Places
George Soros, Tom Steyer, Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, what do they have in common? They are multibillionaires, who in varying degrees, are on the liberal or progressive side of the political spectrum, a place where one doesn’t normally find billionaires.
Impeachment (and After)
There is no grand narrative. There is no way to game this. There are no distractions. Get whatever scum undead hunk of putrid, writhing jelly you can get while the getting is good. And then get the next one.
The Beat Goes On
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Big Thief: Not Another Brooklyn Band
Big Thief is an alt-folk band from Brooklyn, but their spirit isn’t tied to that place. Usually, “Brooklyn band,” scares me off.