Tactile Ghazal
Locked down with family, I’m blessed with touch.
People-heavy days, pets give the best touch.
The Snake in the Garden
This is not the old misogynistic story of
the mythic expulsion from the perfect garden
because we know that where knowledge is
forbidden to women there will be no perfection.
Paul’s Epistle on “Key West”
Your editor asked Wallace Stevens’ biographer, Paul Mariani, to comment on Bob Dylan’s new song “Key West”…
I Will Never Be
xxxxxOld white woman in the woods—could go at a POP!
But this I know—I will never…be shot by a cop.
Tom Cotton Vs The New York Times; Queering the Debate
As the demand for “moral clarity” in journalism grows, at least among progressive journalists, I’m forced to reconsider my career as a censor, back when I was an editor at The Village Voice.
At Camp We Sang “Dixie”
Struck by the non-response of her Facebook friends to the following post, Laurie Stone kept her movement of mind going…
The Comedy of Modern Life: Conner O’Malley’s American Breakdowns
Comic Conner O’Malley caught the MAGA moment on the wing a few years ago in a series of Vines (collected here). In these six-second shots: “O’Malley — playing a deranged car-and-wealth-obsessed man — would pull up to befuddled Manhattan businessmen in sports cars, scream guttural praise for their public display of opulence, and then bike away before they knew what hit them.”
Show Your Love (Brooke Williams Remembers her Uncle)
Click Read more for Bigger Screen
A Quiet Man Blesses George Floyd & Gives Us Marching Orders
Click Read more for Larger Screen
Letter from the Coast
Hey B, absolutely been hitting the streets. Here in Oakland the pigs and our pig-accomplice mayor are not fucking around. But it’s being led by kids and tutored by the elder generations (and I like adjusting to being an elder), we got such a tradition here.