Ur Blues from creds to creed

“On May 17, 1954, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren delivered the unanimous ruling
in the landmark civil rights case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas.
State-sanctioned segregation of public schools was a violation of the 14th amendment
and was therefore unconstitutional.”

“Ray Charles first began mixing jazz, blues and gospel together in 1954, and his successful synthesis established the pattern for much of what is called soul music today.” (1966:165 Footnote #5) (Footnotes 1 thru 4 cite the books of S. F. Nadel, Ralph Ellison, D. Apter, and Kenneth Burke ((1957 The Philosophy of Literary Form)))

blending scholarly cred with street cred
to create a creed
Soul Music

“music is the Soul of a People”
or whatever R sed about it
sed by others too i’m sure

a word of mouth mythos
no control but a cure
call the sequel to Urban Blues
Ur Blues
& further develop quintessentialism
a bolder term fur ‘moldy figgery’
why we married ur wives
why we want to get to the root
of everything Greco-Judao
before civilizations