Christers’ Quandary: Which Side Are the Demons On?

I rise to sing the praises of Speaker of the House Mike Johnson!

Now there’s a sentence I thought I would never utter.

But fair is fair. The man wanted to be Moses, but it turns out he’s Henry Clay. Clay was known as the Great Compromiser, the man who crafted the Compromise of 1850, which managed to keep the U.S. somehow pasted together for another decade before, well, you know … perhaps we won’t thing about that precedent too much. So, Mike Johnson as Henry Clay. It’s probably better than Moses anyway. Old Mo died alone on a mountain. Sad.

Amazing to realize that a Republican actually put the good of the nation and world before self-interest. That didn’t use to be unusual necessarily, but, in the age of Trump, it’s astonishing.

And he did it with Putin’s little shill, MTG, threatening to end his speakership. I suspect Democrats may now save him from that little twit. And then where do we go? What might be possible? I confess I’m not optimistic, but I’m open to … whatever.

At any rate, I’m thrilled that aid will flow to Ukraine. It was either send that aid, much delayed as it is, or cease to be the one indispensable nation on earth. Simple as that. Trump and his idiot followers would turn us into just another spot on the globe. A spot just waiting to bend the knee to tyrants.

Johnson, to his credit, recognized that to do so would deprive the world of the leadership that, at this point, only America can provide. Good on him! He stood up to the Idiot King to do so. He displayed courage very rare on the Republican side these days.

It does, however, put God in a real bind. He’s getting hammered by prayers from both sides. What to do? What to do?

Bishop Aubrey Shines attacked Johnson as “a very cowardly man” and a “very immature Christian.”

Bishop Shines: “Anyone can call themselves anything. Perhaps he’s a Christian. He’s a very immature Christian, maybe even a carnal Christian. … He certainly does not replicate and really produce, in my mind, anything in the form of maturity. The Christianity that a mature believer lives out is something called not being a coward. I see Johnson as a very cowardly man. … I think we should get rid of him.”

So Bishop Shines, whoever the hell he is, is praying for Johnson’s removal because he stood up to Trump.

Meanwhile pastor Jack Hibbs did an emergency broadcast yesterday urging Christians to pray for Johnson, whom he repeatedly said was under attack from demonic powers.

Pastor Hibbs: “Mike Johnson is under spiritual attack. The demons that are surrounding Washington D.C. are [trying] to overthrow any decision that would lead to help coming to Israel. And Mike Johnson is going to cast away the greatest career position you could ever have as Speaker of the House. Mike Johnson doesn’t care. He’s following the Bible in the face of even Christians who are frankly ignorant, and they’re piling on with criticism, and grumbling and complaining.

For the first time in who knows how long we have a born-again, Bible-loving, on-his-knees-praying Christian as Speaker of the House and the church—’the church’— is attacking him. Why? Because ‘the church’ follows more of the gospel of CNN than they do the gospel of God.

Lord, we come against right now the host of wickedness. I pray, Lord God, that you would literally destroy the evil plans of the wicked one who’s manipulating people on both sides of the aisle. God, I pray, Lord, in Jesus’ name, we pray that based on the power of the blood of Jesus, that you would absolutely send a shockwave of confusion among the enemy camp, and, God, that we would get aid to Israel and that Mike Johnson—who loves you, Jesus—would be preserved against the attempted overthrow that is coming from his congressional partners to destroy him.”

Poor God! How is he supposed to know whose prayer to answer?

Which side are the demons on? Who are they attacking? It’s all very confusing. It’s well known that the “fog of war” makes it very difficult to make clear decisions in the midst of combat. And now God has to figure out where the demonic mortars are coming from.

If I can offer a bit of help. Oh Divine One, the easiest way to perhaps parse these decisions is, if Trump is against it, you should probably be for it. If Trump is for it, you should probably be against it.

Good luck my friend.