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Going to Cairo

By Various Authors

Three Responses to Obama’s Cairo Speech.

Indispensable Man

By Bernard Avishai

Immediately after President Obama's speech, Israeli television interviewed a strapping West Bank settler: "It was very professional," he said, "very well crafted. It focused brilliantly on the rights of man. But he also quoted the Talmud; and if he read that, then he knows that the land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel."

This curious response suggests why, yet again, Obama's instincts are better than mine.

You see, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is full of people like this. In the end they will have to be confronted. But though the end cannot be allowed to seem far away, the end is not the beginning. Why push people into a corner before showing them the corner - before showing them also the people who will be pushing with you? Why not take things in their natural sequence which allows everybody to adjust to the new reality?

Obama's problem, however, was that if he didn't do something dramatic, he ran the risk of losing the people he would need for his coalition even before he began to rally them--because so many presidents have made promises in the past (condemned settlements, called for a two-state solution) and then remembered something better they had to do. Obama, I thought, should not miss this chance to issue some concrete warning or present the elements of a concrete plan - something vivid to stand for the sincerity of his intention - to reassure people who had heard it all before, especially the people in the streets from Casablanca to Islamabad, who were after all the point of the exercise.

Of course there was another way to prove his sincerity, which hadn't really occurred to me. It was to frame the whole problem in such a subtle and honest - and vivid - way that nobody hearing the speech could doubt his sincerity; to go meta on the problem and make his intentions clear to anyone (that settler included, obviously) without needing to make threats or draw up plans. (The final deal is obvious, anyway.)

And it was foolish of me not to anticipate this solution, since this is exactly what he did with his speech on race. Obama is many things, but I'm coming to understand that he is, almost more than anything else, a natural teacher. He knows how to start from where his audience is and connect the dots. He knows the ring of truth. (Just to be sure, I called a couple of Palestinian friends who were skeptical when Obama was elected. They were deeply impressed - certainly enough to stay in the "process.")

The speech did have a few innovations, moreover, which were moving in the elegant way they broke taboos. Obama not only spoke about the need to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, but did so in a way that laid the ground for eventually getting nuclear weapons out of the entire region, Israel included. He plausibly linked the toppling of Mohammed Mosaddeq in 1953 with the kidnapping of American diplomats in 1979. He spoke of human rights and the rule of law in Egypt without appearing to undermine Mubarak. Obama said in a way that could not have offended Jews that the holocaust engendered a tragic injustice for the Palestinians. Finally, and most important, he made the justice of a Palestinian state seem an American interest without denying unbreakable links to Israel, that is, the state Israel would be once a deal is done.

It is a little frightening how indispensable this man is becoming.

Patriarchy Time

By Muriel Gray

Islam and the West. This was always going to be the tricky one. President Obama's action on domestic policies has so far been in line with his pre-election promises, and it's all rather exciting. We forgave him his vagueness about how to deal with Bush's legacy on "the war on terror" because he needed time to do the big thinking it requires. Well, time's up, and out it came, outlined in his Cairo speech on Thursday.

The big idea, unprecedented in any other US administration, is that Obama will end the previously unconditional support for Israel's occupation of Palestinian lands, that America will no longer look the other way when civilians are being slaughtered and human rights abused, and that the Palestinians must have their own state. It was cautiously worded but deeply significant, and about time too, marking an astonishing turnaround for United States policy and a tough, genuine commitment to brokering peace.

But the rest of the speech? What new creative solutions were on offer to reconcile the directly opposing ideologies that are obedience to Islam and progressive Western democracy? No big thinking of any kind. Actually, worse than that. A speech so patronizing it read as though beamed by some unworldly school chaplain back from Scripture Union camp in the Holy Land.

Talking from Cairo, the president celebrated that Al-Azhar and Cairo Universities have been "a source of Egypt's advancement," representing the "harmony between tradition and progress".

I want my money back from the travel agent. Because the last time I visited the place that claimed to be Egypt, it was a third-world shambles "advancing" into medievalism, its women hideously oppressed and its people poverty-stricken and under-educated under a corrupt, police state. Clearly I was in the wrong country. No matter. Perhaps Obama's disingenuous ego-massaging of his hosts was just part of etiquette. But it didn't stop.

Obama informed us that throughout history, "Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality." Hasn't it just? Darfur was all a silly misunderstanding, and Sunni and Shia Muslims tolerate each other magnificently. Islam also, the president assured us, overlaps and shares common principles with America, namely the "principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings." Many of these can currently be seen on view in Afghanistan, northern Nigeria, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Pakistan, to name but a very few.

There is also "astonishing progress" in some Islamic states where "there need not be a contradiction between development and tradition." Here the president cites as one shining example the city of Dubai. Would that be the same Dubai as that Babylonian, environmental nightmare, built for the pleasure of those blind to both social justice and aesthetics, on the back of slave labor that makes the pyramid-building pharaohs look like equal opportunity employers?

Barack Obama is a highly intelligent man. Why such placatory nonsense? Does he think this empty flattery of an Islamic world in turmoil will wash?

Back in January we could hardly wait to hear his solutions to this increasing problem, not just of high-profile terrorism but of the more mundane matter of fractured communities throughout the world, pulled apart, as usual, by religion. How depressing to find that his solution is not about humans, our conduct and progress, but about "inter-faith dialogues" and, of course, God. America still regards humanity as one big worshipping congregation, who just have to sort out which supernatural being we pray to, and how to best "respect" each other's various superstitions. This is hardly progress. But what to do?

The US, along with its "Western allies, could of course withdraw completely from any involvement with countries abusing human rights, Islamic or otherwise. That would require an end to both honorable economic involvement, such as aid and investment, and dishonorable covert interference such as propping up favorable administrations.

But none of that is possible or desirable (except for ending covert manipulation) and not just because of all that lovely oil that America needs to keep the pick-ups revving. This is a small planet. The perfect storm is coming. We need to get on together, and we need to find a way to do it quickly.

Surely the boldest way forward is to tell the uncomfortable truth instead of obsequious fawning. In the wake of Bush's vandalism, the West needs to declare its crimes and misdemeanors and make amends, but so too does the Islamic world. Islam must endure the same bumpy reformation that ironed out Christianity's primitive elements, and it will require honesty to support it to do so.

By far the greatest disappointment was Obama's "dealing" with women's rights as lowly point number six in his speech. In a few short sentences he referred, rightly, to the importance of educating Muslim women, then bizarrely to the importance of keeping American citizens in their hijabs.

Then, without any hint of satire, he cited the fact that Turkey, Bangladesh and Indonesia had elected senior women politicians and leaders without mentioning how the rest of the female population live in those countries.

No mention of the shameful atrocities being carried out worldwide in Islamic countries every single day; nothing of injustice and hopelessness, of the drudgery, powerlessness and virtual enslavement suffered by millions of women and girls in the name of an invented deity.

To so sure-footedly ignore what is happening to women right now is nothing short of a disgrace, and his appeasement of this outrage is on a par with appeasing apartheid.

Many hoped the end of Bush would mean the end of God-dictated foreign policy, and if Obama's religiosity is getting in the way of his finer ideals it would be one of the greatest tragedies of the century, given that he is a good and clever man.

He finished this depressingly sycophantic speech with quotes from The Bible, The Koran and The Torah.

How about one from Nietzsche, Mr President? "Faith means not wanting to know what is true."

Originally published in Scottland’s Sunday Herald newspaper.

The Tone and the Music

By Uri Avnery

One man spoke to the world, and the world listened.

He walked onto the stage in Cairo, alone, without hosts and without aides, and delivered a sermon to an audience of billions. Egyptians and Americans, Israelis and Palestinians, Jews and Arabs, Sunnis and Shiites, Copts and Maronites – and they all listened attentively.

He unfolded before them the map of a new world, a different world, whose values and laws he spelled out in simple and clear language - a mixture of idealism and practical politics, vision and pragmatism.

Barack Hussein Obama – as he took pains to call himself – is the most powerful man on earth. Every word he utters is a political fact.

“A historic speech,” pronounced commentators in a hundred languages. I prefer another adjective:

The speech was right.

Every word was in its place, every sentence precise, every tone in harmony. The masterpiece of a man bringing a new message to the world.

From the very first word, every listener in the hall and in the world felt the honesty of the man, that his heart and his tongue were in harmony, that this is not a politician of the old familiar sort – hypocritical, sanctimonious, calculating. His body language was speaking, and so were his facial expressions

That’s why the speech was so important. The new moral integrity and the sense of honesty increased the impact of the revolutionary content.

AND A REVOLUTIONARY speech it certainly was.

In 55 minutes, it not only wiped away the eight years of George W. Bush, but also much of the preceding decades, from World War II on.

The American ship has turned – not with the sluggishness everyone would have expected, but with the agility of a speedboat.

That is much more than a political change. It touches the roots of the American national consciousness. The President spoke to hundreds of million US citizens no less than to a billion Muslims.

The American culture is based on the myth of the Wild West, with its Good Guys and Bad Guys, violent justice, dueling under the midday sun. Since the American nation is composed of immigrants from all over the world, its unity seems to require a threatening, world-encompassing evil enemy, like the Nazis and the Japs, or the Commies. After the collapse of the Soviet empire, this role was taken over by Islam.

Cruel, fanatical, bloodthirsty Islam; Islam as the religion of murder and destruction; an Islam lusting for the blood of women and children. This enemy captured the imagination of the masses and supplied material for television and cinema. It provided lecture topics for learned professors and fresh inspiration for popular writers. The White House was occupied by a moron who declared a world-wide “War on Terrorism.”

When Obama is now uprooting this myth, he is revolutionizing American culture. He wipes away the picture of one enemy, without painting another in its place. He preaches against the violent, adversary attitude itself, and starts to work to replace it with a culture of partnership between nations, civilizations and religions.

I see Obama as the first great messenger of the 21st century. He is the son of a new era, where the economy is global and the whole of humanity faces the danger to the very existence of life on the planet Earth. An era where the Internet connects a boy in New Zealand with a girl in Namibia in real time, where a disease in a small Mexican village spreads all over the globe within days.

This world needs a world law, a world order, a world democracy. That’s why this speech really was historic: Obama outlined the basic contours of a world constitution.

While OBama proclaims the 21st century, the government of Israel is returning to the 19th.

That was the century when a narrow, egocentric, aggressive nationalism took root in many countries. A century that sanctified the belligerent nation which oppresses minorities and subdues neighbors. The century that gave birth to modern anti-Semitism and to its response – modern Zionism.

Obama’s vision is not anti-national. He spoke with pride about the American nation. But his nationalism is of another sort: an inclusive, multi-cultural and non-sexist nationalism, which includes all the citizens of a country and respects other nations.

This is the nationalism of the 21st century, which is inexorably striving towards supranational, regional and world-wide structures.

Compared to this, how miserable is the mental world of the Israeli Right! How miserable is the violent, fanatical-religious world of the settlers, the chauvinist ghetto of Netanyahu, Lieberman and Barak, the racist-fascist closed-in world of their Kahanist allies!

One has to understand this moral and spiritual dimension of Obama’s speech before considering its political implications. Not only in the political sphere are Obama and Netanyahu on a collision course. The underlying collision is between two mental worlds which are as distinct from each other as the sun and the moon.

In Obama’s mental world, there is no place for the Israeli Right or its equivalents elsewhere. Not for their terminology, not for their “values”, and still less for their actions.

In the political sphere, too, a huge gap has opened up between the governments of Israel and the USA.

During the last few years, successive Israeli governments have ridden the wave of Islamophobia that has spread throughout the West. The Islamic world was considered the deadly enemy, America was galloping grimly towards the Clash of Civilizations, every Muslim was a potential terrorist.

Israel’s right-wing leaders could rejoice. After all, the Palestinians are Arabs, the Arabs are Muslims, the Muslims are Terrorists – so that Israel was assured a central place in the war of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness.

That was a Garden of Eden for racist demagogues. Avigdor Lieberman could advocate the expulsion of the Arabs from Israel, Ellie Yishai could enact laws for the revocation of the citizenship of non-Jews. Obscure Members of the Knesset could grab headlines with bills that might have been conceived in Nuremberg.

This Garden of Eden is no more. Whether the implications will become clear quickly or slowly - the direction is obvious. If we continue on our path, we will become a leper colony.

The tone makes the music – and this applies also to the President’s words on Israel and Palestine. He spoke at length about the Holocaust – honest and courageous words, full of empathy and compassion, which were received by the Egyptians in silence but with respect. He stressed Israel’s right to exist. And without pausing, he spoke about the suffering of the Palestinian refugees, the intolerable situation of the Palestinians in Gaza, Palestinian aspirations for a state of their own.

He spoke respectfully about Hamas. Not anymore as a “terrorist organization”, but as a part of the Palestinian people. He demanded that they recognize Israel and stop violence, but also hinted that he would welcome a Palestinian unity government.

The political message was clear and unequivocal: the Two-State Solution will be put into practice. He himself will see to that. Settlement activity must cease. Unlike his predecessors, he did not stop at speaking about “Palestinians,” but uttered the decisive word: “Palestine” – the name of a state and a territory.

And no less important: the Iran war has been struck from the agenda. The dialogue with Tehran, as a part of the new world, is not limited in time. As from now, no one can even dream about an American OK for an Israeli attack.

How did official Israel respond? The first reaction was denial. “An unimportant speech.” “There was nothing new.” The establishment commentators picked out a few pro-Israeli sentences from the text and ignored all the others. And after all, “these are just words. So he talked. Nothing will come out of it.”

That is nonsense. The words of the President of the United States are more than just words. They are political facts. They change the perceptions of hundreds of millions. The Muslim public listened. The American public listened. It may take some time for the message to sink in. But after this speech, the pro-Israel lobby will never be the same as it was before. The era of “foile shtik” (Yiddish for sneaky tricks) is over. The sly dishonesty of a Shimon Peres, the guileful deceits of an Ehud Olmert, the sweet talking of a Bibi Netanyahu – all these belong to the past.

The Israeli people must now decide: whether to follow the right-wing government towards an inevitable collision with Washington, as the Jews did 1940 years ago when they followed the Zealots into a suicidal war on Rome – or to join Obama’s march towards a new world.

From June, 2009

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touch the golden years the good the good folk the good hereafter the good life the good people the good side of the goods the governess of floods the government the grades the grand style the grape the grave the gray-hooded Ev'n the great the great beyond the great hereafter the great majority the great out-of-doors the great unknown the great unnumbered the great unwashed the great white throne the great world of light the greater gods the greater number the greatest the greatest innovator the greatest number the green light the grill the ground of being the groves of Academe the guillotine the halls of learning the halt the handicapped the handsome thing the happy land the hard truth the hard way the hard-of-hearing the harmonious voice of creation the have-nots the haves the hawk the hay the health of the soul the hearing of deaf actions the heebie-jeebies the height of your ambition the helm the help the herd the hereafter the hills the hoi polloi the hole the holy the holy of 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defunct the departed the depths the desk the details the deuce you say the devil and all the devil and the deep blue sea the devil to pay the devil you say the devourer of things the die is cast the dim past the direct opposite the disadvantaged the dismal science the dismals the dispossessed the distance the distressed the dizzy rounds the doldrums the dolefuls the domain of the impossible the domain of the possible the dome of Thought the dominion of absurdity the dope the down-and-out the downward path the downward slope the dragon the dream of those that wake the dress of thoughts the drill the duration the earth the elect the elements the empyrean the enclosed the end of the line the end of the rainbow the ends of the earth the enemy of creativeness the ensemble the entirety the eternal feminine the eternal fitness of things the evil the evil one the evil shadow of aspiration the exact truth the executive the expiring day the exterior the eye the fact of the matter the facts the facts of the case the facts of the matter the fair thing the faith the faithful the family way the fancy the far side of the fat is in the fire the fat of the land the feasible the feast of vultures the felon winds the female of the human species the few the field the fights the first of painters the first philosophy the first theology the flesh the fleshly the flip side the flowing bowl the following the footlights the fore the forgotten man the fount whence honour springs the four corners of the earth the four elements the fourth estate the fowl of the air the front the full count the funny side the fur fly the future the fuzz the gallows the gantlet the gapes the gas chamber the gate the gate of life the gen the general drift the general public the general tendency the genuine article the glad the glad hand the glad season of life the glassy sea the glorious lamp of Heav'n the go-ahead the go-by the goat god the god of my idolatry the gods the golden touch the golden years the good 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honest-to-God truth the honey-heavy dew of slumber the horde the horrors the hot seat the how the humanities the hump the hunted the hurdles the idea the illimitable the image of life the immortals the impossible the in thing the incalculable the individual the ineffable the inenarrable the inexpressible the infirm the information the ingroup the inner circle the ins the intelligent the intense inane the interests the intrinsic truth the invisible the iron entering the soul the irrevocable Past the jackboot the jaundice of the soul the jerks the jig is up the jimjams the journey's end the jumps the kibosh on the king of terrors the knife the know the knowing the koine the lam the lambent easy light the lame the last extremity the last refuge of a scoundrel the last straw the last thing civilized by man the last thing you expect the last word the latest the latest thing the latest wrinkle the latter end the law the law of the jungle
First of the Month [Read More]

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2013 list tax credits 2013 solar tax credits 2013 windows tax credits at www.irs.gov/taxtopics tax credits balance sheet tax credits buying a home tax credits buying a home 2011 tax credits buying a house tax credits calculator tax credits calculator 2012 tax credits calculator 2013 tax credits calculator for next year tax credits calculator for self employed tax credits calculator ireland tax credits calculator money saving expert tax credits calculator not working tax credits calculator po polsku tax credits calculator results tax credits calculator scotland tax credits calculator uk 2013 tax credits calculator weekly tax credits for 2012 tax credits for 2012 automobiles tax credits for 2012 canada tax credits for 2012 cars tax credits for 2012 chevy volt tax credits for 2012 energy efficiency tax credits for 2012 first time home buyers tax credits for 2012 health providers tax credits for 2012 home buyers tax credits for 2012 home improvement tax credits for 2012 income tax tax 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energy efficiency tax credits for energy efficiency 2010 tax credits for energy efficiency 2010 appliances tax credits for energy efficiency 2010 irs tax credits for energy efficiency 2010 windows tax credits for energy efficiency 2011 tax credits for energy efficiency 2011 irs tax credits for energy efficiency 2012 tax credits for energy efficiency 2012 windows tax credits for energy efficiency 2013 tax credits for energy efficiency appliances tax credits for energy efficiency cars tax credits for energy efficiency furnace tax credits for energy efficiency heat pumps tax credits for energy efficiency insulation tax credits for energy efficiency new homes tax credits for energy efficiency windows tax credits for hiring disabled veterans tax credits for hiring unemployed veterans tax credits for hiring veterans tax credits for hiring veterans 2011 tax credits for hiring veterans 2012 tax credits for hiring vets tax credits for home improvement projects tax credits for home improvements tax credits for home improvements 2010 tax credits for home improvements 2011 tax credits for home improvements 2011 canada tax credits for home improvements 2012 tax credits for home improvements 2013 tax credits for homeowners tax credits for homeowners 2010 tax credits for homeowners 2011 tax credits for homeowners 2012 tax credits for homeowners 2013 tax credits for homeowners ontario tax credits for hybrid cars 2012 tax credits for hybrid cars 2013 tax credits for hybrids 2012 tax credits for students tax credits for students 2011 tax credits for students 2012 tax credits for students 2013 tax credits for students canada tax credits for students in college tax credits for students in oregon 2012 tax credits for students ontario tax credits for students uk tax credits for students with children tax credits for students with loans tax credits helpline tax credits helpline 0800 tax credits helpline childcare tax credits helpline cost tax credits helpline free number tax credits 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for education expenses 2011 tax credit for education in ontario tax credit for electric cars 2010 tax credit for electric cars 2011 canada tax credit for electric cars 2011 irs tax credit for electric cars golf carts tax credit for hiring veterans irs tax credit for home improvement and renovation tax credit for homeowners 2009 tax credit for homeowners 5 years tax credit for homeowners insurance tax credit for hybrid cars 2012 tax credit for hybrid cars 2012 irs tax credit for hybrid cars 2013 tax credit for hybrid cars 2013 irs tax credit for kids 2012 tax credit for non profit donation tax credit for purchasing a house in 2011 tax credit for windows tax credit for windows 2009 tax credit for windows 2011 extended tax credit for windows 2012 tax credit for windows 2013 tax credit for windows and doors tax credit for windows and doors 2012 tax credit for windows and doors 2013 tax credit for windows and doors irs tax credit for windows installed in 2012 tax credit for windows rental property tax credit for windows replacement tax credit gangnam style tax credit housing tax credit housing california tax credit housing dc tax credit housing denver tax credit housing for seniors tax credit housing in atlanta tax credit housing in dallas area tax credit housing in delaware tax credit housing in maryland tax credit housing income tax credit housing income limits tax credit housing los angeles tax credit housing management insider tax credit housing nashville tax credit housing program tax credit housing rental computation tax credit housing requirements tax credit low income tax credit low income apartments tax credit low income earners tax credit low income housing tax credit low income housing program tax credit low income individuals tax credit low income ira tax credit non profit tax credit or deduction difference tax credit or tax deduction tax credit or tax deduction which is better tax credit pavlovce tax credit pay dates christmas 2011 tax credit payment dates 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2011 tax credit payments stopped tax credit payments uk tax credit purchasing a home tax credit software company tax credit tax deduction tax credit tax deduction canada tax credit tax deduction difference tax credit versus tax deduction tax credit versus tax deduction canada tax credit vs deduction irs tax credit vs tax deduction tax credit vs tax deduction 2011 tax credit vs tax deduction canada tax credit vs tax deduction example tax credit vs tax deduction irs tax credit 中? tax credit ? tax credit??? tax credits tax credits 2012 tax credits 2012 2013 tax credits 2012 calculator tax credits 2012 disabled child tax credits 2012 education tax credits 2012 eic tax credits 2012 for diesel cars gov tax credits 2012 for hybrid cars tax credits 2012 for low income tax credits 2012 for single people tax credits 2012 for wealthy tax credits 2012 home improvement tax credits 2012 irs tax credits 2012 list tax credits 2012 low income tax credits 2012 metal roofs tax credits 2012 new boilers tax credits 2012 tax year tax credits 2012 windows tax credits 2013 tax credits 2013 appliances tax credits 2013 changes tax credits 2013 child tax credits 2013 energy tax credits 2013 for cars tax credits 2013 for students tax credits 2013 furnace tax credits 2013 home tax credits 2013 hvac tax credits 2013 irs tax credits 2013 list tax credits 2013 solar tax credits 2013 windows tax credits at www.irs.gov/taxtopics tax credits balance sheet tax credits buying a home tax credits buying a home 2011 tax credits buying a house tax credits calculator tax credits calculator 2012 tax credits calculator 2013 tax credits calculator for next year tax credits calculator for self employed tax credits calculator ireland tax credits calculator money saving expert tax credits calculator not working tax credits calculator po polsku tax credits calculator results tax credits calculator scotland tax credits calculator uk 2013 tax credits calculator weekly tax credits for 2012 tax credits for 2012 automobiles tax credits for 2012 canada tax credits for 2012 cars tax credits for 2012 chevy volt tax credits for 2012 energy efficiency tax credits for 2012 first time home buyers tax credits for 2012 health providers tax credits for 2012 home buyers tax credits for 2012 home improvement tax credits for 2012 income tax tax credits for 2012 prius tax credits for 2012 tax return tax credits for 2012 tax year tax credits for 2012 to 2013 tax credits for 2012 windows tax credits for 2013 tax credits for 2013 filing tax credits for 2013 for ohio filing tax credits for 2013 home improvement tax credits for 2013 hvac tax credits for 2013 hybrid cars tax credits for 2013 tax season tax credits for 2013 tax year tax credits for 2013/14 tax credits for buying a house in 2010 tax credits for children 2012 canada tax credits for children 2012 uk tax credits for children 2013 tax credits for education tax credits for education 2010 tax credits for education 2011 tax credits for education 2012 tax credits for education ayn rand tax credits for education canada tax credits for education expenses tax credits for electric car conversion tax credits for electric cars tax credits for electric cars 2011 tax credits for electric cars 2012 tax credits for electric cars 2013 tax credits for electric cars canada tax credits for energy efficiency tax credits for energy efficiency 2010 tax credits for energy efficiency 2010 appliances tax credits for energy efficiency 2010 irs tax credits for energy efficiency 2010 windows tax credits for energy efficiency 2011 tax credits for energy efficiency 2011 irs tax credits for energy efficiency 2012 tax credits for energy efficiency 2012 windows tax credits for energy efficiency 2013 tax credits for energy efficiency appliances tax credits for energy efficiency cars tax credits for energy efficiency furnace tax credits for energy efficiency heat pumps tax credits for energy efficiency insulation tax credits for energy efficiency new homes tax credits for energy efficiency windows tax credits for hiring disabled veterans tax credits for hiring unemployed veterans tax credits for hiring veterans tax credits for hiring veterans 2011 tax credits for hiring veterans 2012 tax credits for hiring vets tax credits for home improvement projects tax credits for home improvements tax credits for home improvements 2010 tax credits for home improvements 2011 tax credits for home improvements 2011 canada tax credits for home improvements 2012 tax credits for home improvements 2013 tax credits for homeowners tax credits for homeowners 2010 tax credits for homeowners 2011 tax credits for homeowners 2012 tax credits for homeowners 2013 tax credits for homeowners ontario tax credits for hybrid cars 2012 tax credits for hybrid cars 2013 tax credits for hybrids 2012 tax credits for students tax credits for students 2011 tax credits for students 2012 tax credits for students 2013 tax credits for students canada tax credits for students in 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First of the Month [Read More]

Tracked on July 12, 2013 03:03 PM

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souse soused souses sousing south southbound southeast southeaster southeasterly southeastern southeasters southeastward southeastwardly southed souther southerly southern southerner southerners southernmost southerns southers southing southings southpaw southpaws southron southrons souths southward southwardly southwest southwester southwesterly southwestern southwesterner southwesterners southwesters southwestward southwestwardly souvenir souvenirs sovereign sovereignly sovereigns sovereignties sovereignty soviet sovietism sovietize sovietized sovietizes sovietizing soviets sovran sovrans sow sowable sowbellies sowbelly sowbread sowed sower sowers sowing sown sows sox soy soya soyas soybean soybeans soys sp spa space spacecraft spaced spaceflight spaceflights spaceless spaceman spacemen spaceport spacer spacers spaces spaceship spaceships spacesuit spacesuits spacewalk spacewalked spacewalker spacewalkers spacewalking spacewalks spaceward spacewoman spacewomen spacial spacing spacings spacious spaciously spaciousness spade spaded spadeful spadefuls spader spaders spades spadework spadices spading spadix spadixes spaghetti spain spake spale spalled spaller spalls spalpeen span spangle spangled spangles spanglier spangliest spangling spangly spaniard spaniards spaniel spaniels spank spanked spanker spankers spanking spankings spanks spanless spanned spanner spanners spanning spans spar sparable spare spared sparely spareness sparer sparerib spareribs sparers spares sparest sparge sparing sparingly spark sparked sparker sparkers sparkier sparkiest sparkily sparking sparkish sparkle sparkled sparkler sparklers sparkles sparkling sparkplug sparks sparky sparred sparriest sparring sparrow sparrows sparry spars sparse sparsely sparseness sparser sparsest sparsities sparsity sparta spartan spartans spas spasm spasmodic spasmodical spasmodically spasms spastic spastically spasticities spasticity spastics spat spate spates spathal spathe spathed spathes spathic spatial spatially spats spatted spatter spattered spattering spatteringly spatters spatting spatula spatular spatulas spatulate spavin spavined spavins spawn spawned spawner spawners spawning spawns spay spayed spaying spays speak speakable speakeasies speakeasy speaker speakers speaking speakings speaks spear speared spearer spearers spearfish spearhead spearheaded spearheading spearheads spearing spearman spearmen spearmint spearmints spears spec special specialer specialist specialists specialization specializations specialize specialized specializes specializing specially specials specialties specialty speciating specie species specific specifically specificated specification specifications specificities specificity specificized specificizing specifics specified specifier specifiers specifies specify specifying specimen specimens speciosities speciosity specious speciously speciousness speck specked specking speckle speckled speckles speckling specks specs spectacle spectacles spectacular spectacularly spectaculars spectate spectated spectates spectating spectator spectators specter specters spectra spectral spectre spectres spectrochemical spectrochemistry spectrogram spectrograms spectrograph spectrographer spectrographic spectrographically spectrographies spectrographs spectrography spectrometer spectrometers spectrometric spectrometries spectrometry spectroscope spectroscopes spectroscopic spectroscopical spectroscopically spectroscopies spectroscopist spectroscopists spectroscopy spectrum spectrums specula specular speculate speculated speculates speculating speculation speculations speculative speculatively speculator speculators speculum speculums sped speech speeches speechless speechlessly speechlessness speed speedboat speedboating speedboats speeded speeder speeders speedier speediest speedily speediness speeding speedings speedometer speedometers speeds speedster speedup speedups speedway speedways speedwell speedwells speedy speiled speleologist speleologists speleology spell spellbind spellbinder spellbinders spellbinding spellbinds spellbound spelldown spelldowns spelled speller spellers spelling spellings spells spelt spelunk spelunked spelunker spelunkers spelunking spelunks spence spencer spences spend spendable spender spenders spending spends spendthrift spendthriftiness spendthrifts spendthrifty spent sperm spermary spermatic spermatocidal spermatocide spermatozoa spermatozoan spermatozoon spermic spermicidal spermicide spermous sperms spew spewed spewer spewers spewing spews sphagnum sphagnums sphenoid spheral sphere sphered spheres spheric spherical spherically sphericity spherics spherier sphering spheroid spheroidal spheroids spherometer spherule sphincter sphincteral sphincters sphinges sphinx sphinxes sphygmogram sphygmograph sphygmographic sphygmographies sphygmography sphygmomanometer sphygmomanometers sphygmomanometry sphygmometer spic spica spicas spice spiced spicer spicers spicery spices spicey spicier spiciest spicily spiciness spicing spick spics spicular spiculate spicule spicules spicy spider spiderier spideriest spiders spidery spied spiegel spiegels spiel spieled spieler spielers spieling spiels spier spiers spies spiff spiffier spiffiest spiffily spiffing spiffy spigot spigots spike spiked spikelet spikelets spiker spikers spikes spikier spikiest spikily spiking spiky spill spillable spillage spilled spiller spillers spilling spills spillway spillways spilt spilth spilths spin spinach spinaches spinage spinal spinally spinals spinate spindle spindled spindler spindlers spindles spindlier spindliest spindling spindly spine spined spinel spineless spinelessly spinelessness spinels spines spinet spinets spinier spiniest spinless spinnaker spinnakers spinner spinneret spinneries spinners spinnery spinney spinneys spinnies spinning spinnings spinny spinocerebellar spinoff spinoffs spinosely spinout spinouts spins spinster spinsterhood spinsters spiny spiracle spiracles spiraea spiraeas spiral spiraled spiraling spiralled spiralling spirally spirals spirant spire spirea spireas spired spires spiring spirit spirited spiritedly spiritedness spiriting spiritless spiritlessly spirits spiritual spiritualism spiritualist spiritualistic spiritualists spirituality spiritualize spiritualized spiritualizes spiritualizing spiritually spirituals spirituous spiritus spirochetal spirochete from solvates solvating solvation solve solved solvencies solvency solvent solvently solvents solver solvers solves solving soma somalia somas somatic somatically somatological somatology somatopsychic somatotypically somatotypology somber somberly somberness sombre sombrely sombrero sombreros some somebodies somebody someday somehow someone someplace somersault somersaulted somersaulting somersaults somesthesises something sometime sometimes someway someways somewhat somewhats somewhen somewhere somewise somnambulant somnambular somnambulate somnambulated somnambulating somnambulation somnambulator somnambulism somnambulist somnambulistic somnambulists somnific somniloquies somniloquist somnolence somnolences somnolencies somnolency somnolent somnolently son sonants sonar sonarman sonarmen sonars sonata sonatas sonatina sonatinas sonatine sonde sones song songbird songbirds songbook songbooks songfest songfests songful songfully songs songster songsters songstress songstresses songwriter songwriters sonic sonics sonless sonnet sonneted sonneting sonnets sonnetted sonnetting sonnies sonny sonorant sonorants sonorities sonority sonorous sonorously sons sonships sooey soon sooner sooners soonest soot sooted sooth soothe soothed soother soothers soothes soothest soothing soothingly soothly sooths soothsaid soothsay soothsayer soothsayers soothsaying soothsays sootier sootiest sootily sooting soots sooty sop soph sophies sophism sophisms sophist sophistic sophistical sophisticate sophisticated sophisticatedly sophisticates sophisticating sophistication sophisticator sophistries sophistry sophists sophoclean sophocles sophomore sophomores sophomoric sophomorically sophs sophy sopor soporific soporifically soporifics soporose sopors sopped soppier soppiest sopping soppy soprani soprano sopranos sops sorbate sorbates sorbed sorbet sorbets sorbic sorbitol sorbitols sorcerer sorcerers sorceress sorceresses sorceries sorcery sordid sordidly sordidness sore sorehead soreheads sorel sorels sorely soreness sorer sores sorest sorghum sorghums sororities sorority sorption sorptive sorrel sorrels sorrier sorriest sorrily sorriness sorrow sorrowed sorrower sorrowers sorrowful sorrowfully sorrowfulness sorrowing sorrows sorry sort sortable sortably sorted sorter sorters sortie sortied sortieing sorties sorting sorts sos sot sots sotted sottish sottishly soubrette soubrettes soubriquet souchong soudan souffle souffles sough soughed soughing soughs sought soul souled soulful soulfully soulfulness soulless soullessness souls sound soundboard soundboards soundbox soundboxes sounded sounder sounders soundest sounding soundings soundless soundlessly soundly soundness soundproof soundproofed soundproofing soundproofs sounds soundtrack soundtracks soup soupcon soupcons souped soupier soupiest souping soups soupy sour sourball sourballs source sources sourdough sourdoughs soured sourer sourest souring sourish sourly sourness sourpuss sourpusses sours soursops sourwood souse soused souses sousing south southbound southeast southeaster southeasterly southeastern southeasters southeastward southeastwardly southed souther southerly southern southerner southerners southernmost southerns southers southing southings southpaw southpaws southron southrons souths southward southwardly southwest southwester southwesterly southwestern southwesterner southwesterners southwesters southwestward southwestwardly souvenir souvenirs sovereign sovereignly sovereigns sovereignties sovereignty soviet sovietism sovietize sovietized sovietizes sovietizing soviets sovran sovrans sow sowable sowbellies sowbelly sowbread sowed sower sowers sowing sown sows sox soy soya soyas soybean soybeans soys sp spa space spacecraft spaced spaceflight spaceflights spaceless spaceman spacemen spaceport spacer spacers spaces spaceship spaceships spacesuit spacesuits spacewalk spacewalked spacewalker spacewalkers spacewalking spacewalks spaceward spacewoman spacewomen spacial spacing spacings spacious spaciously spaciousness spade spaded spadeful spadefuls spader spaders spades spadework spadices spading spadix spadixes spaghetti spain spake spale spalled spaller spalls spalpeen span spangle spangled spangles spanglier spangliest spangling spangly spaniard spaniards spaniel spaniels spank spanked spanker spankers spanking spankings spanks spanless spanned spanner spanners spanning spans spar sparable spare spared sparely spareness sparer sparerib spareribs sparers spares sparest sparge sparing sparingly spark sparked sparker sparkers sparkier sparkiest sparkily sparking sparkish sparkle sparkled sparkler sparklers sparkles sparkling sparkplug sparks sparky sparred sparriest sparring sparrow sparrows sparry spars sparse sparsely sparseness sparser sparsest sparsities sparsity sparta spartan spartans spas spasm spasmodic spasmodical spasmodically spasms spastic spastically spasticities spasticity spastics spat spate spates spathal spathe spathed spathes spathic spatial spatially spats spatted spatter spattered spattering spatteringly spatters spatting spatula spatular spatulas spatulate spavin spavined spavins spawn spawned spawner spawners spawning spawns spay spayed spaying spays speak speakable speakeasies speakeasy speaker speakers speaking speakings speaks spear speared spearer spearers spearfish spearhead spearheaded spearheading spearheads spearing spearman spearmen spearmint spearmints spears spec special specialer specialist specialists specialization specializations specialize specialized specializes specializing specially specials specialties specialty speciating specie species specific specifically specificated specification specifications specificities specificity specificized specificizing specifics specified specifier specifiers specifies specify specifying specimen specimens speciosities speciosity specious speciously speciousness speck specked specking speckle speckled speckles speckling specks specs spectacle spectacles spectacular spectacularly spectaculars spectate spectated spectates spectating spectator spectators specter specters spectra spectral spectre spectres spectrochemical spectrochemistry spectrogram spectrograms spectrograph spectrographer spectrographic spectrographically spectrographies spectrographs spectrography spectrometer spectrometers spectrometric spectrometries spectrometry spectroscope spectroscopes spectroscopic spectroscopical spectroscopically spectroscopies spectroscopist spectroscopists spectroscopy spectrum spectrums specula specular speculate speculated speculates speculating speculation speculations speculative speculatively speculator speculators speculum speculums sped speech speeches speechless speechlessly speechlessness speed speedboat speedboating speedboats speeded speeder speeders speedier speediest speedily speediness speeding speedings speedometer speedometers speeds speedster speedup speedups speedway speedways speedwell speedwells speedy speiled speleologist speleologists speleology spell spellbind spellbinder spellbinders spellbinding spellbinds spellbound spelldown spelldowns spelled speller spellers spelling spellings spells spelt spelunk spelunked spelunker spelunkers spelunking spelunks spence spencer spences spend spendable spender spenders spending spends spendthrift spendthriftiness spendthrifts spendthrifty spent sperm spermary spermatic spermatocidal spermatocide spermatozoa spermatozoan spermatozoon spermic spermicidal spermicide spermous sperms spew spewed spewer spewers spewing spews sphagnum sphagnums sphenoid spheral sphere sphered spheres spheric spherical spherically sphericity spherics spherier sphering spheroid spheroidal spheroids spherometer spherule sphincter sphincteral sphincters sphinges sphinx sphinxes sphygmogram sphygmograph sphygmographic sphygmographies sphygmography sphygmomanometer sphygmomanometers sphygmomanometry sphygmometer spic spica spicas spice spiced spicer spicers spicery spices spicey spicier spiciest spicily spiciness spicing spick spics spicular spiculate spicule spicules spicy spider spiderier spideriest spiders spidery spied spiegel spiegels spiel spieled spieler spielers spieling spiels spier spiers spies spiff spiffier spiffiest spiffily spiffing spiffy spigot spigots spike spiked spikelet spikelets spiker spikers spikes spikier spikiest spikily spiking spiky spill spillable spillage spilled spiller spillers spilling spills spillway spillways spilt spilth spilths spin spinach spinaches spinage spinal spinally spinals spinate spindle spindled spindler spindlers spindles spindlier spindliest spindling spindly spine spined spinel spineless spinelessly spinelessness spinels spines spinet spinets spinier spiniest spinless spinnaker spinnakers spinner spinneret spinneries spinners spinnery spinney spinneys spinnies spinning spinnings spinny spinocerebellar spinoff spinoffs spinosely spinout spinouts spins spinster spinsterhood spinsters spiny spiracle spiracles spiraea spiraeas spiral spiraled spiraling spiralled spiralling spirally spirals spirant spire spirea spireas spired spires spiring spirit spirited spiritedly spiritedness spiriting spiritless spiritlessly spirits spiritual spiritualism spiritualist spiritualistic spiritualists spirituality spiritualize spiritualized spiritualizes spiritualizing spiritually spirituals spirituous spiritus spirochetal spirochete
First of the Month [Read More]

Tracked on July 12, 2013 09:32 PM

» haughty airs haul around haul down haul down your colors haul down your flag haul in with haul into court haul off haul over the coals haul round haul the wind haul to haul up haul your wind haulage incline hauling down haunch bone haunch-bone haunt the memory haunt your thoughts haunted with fear hausse-col haut couture haut monde haut-gout haut-pas haut-relief haut-ton hautbois strawberry haute cole haute couture haute cuisine haute ecole haute mal haute vulgarisation haute-feuillite haute-piece have a BM have a baby have a bad time have a bad time of it have a ball have a bee in your bonnet have a bellyful have a bellyful of have a bent for have a bias have a big bazoo have a big mouth have a big nose have a blind side have a blind spot have a bone in your neck have a bone in your throat have a bone to pick have a bone to pick with have a bone to pick with someone have a bowel movement have a brush with have a bump for have a cake in the oven have a canary have a care have a case have a case on have a cat fit have a catch have a certain sameness have a certain state have a chance have a chance at have a change of heart have a charmed life have a chill have a chip on your shoulder have a clean bill of health have a clear conscience have a comedown have a conniption have a conniption fit have a cozy chat have a crow to pick have a crow to pick with have a crow to pluck have a crow to pluck with have a crow to pull with have a crush on have a demon have a devil have a devil in one have a devil in you have a disaffinity for have a dram have a drink have a drop too much have a dry run have a duck fit have a faculty for have a falling-out have a fancy for have a feeling have a fine time of it have a finger in have a finger in the pie have a flair for have a fling at have a fondness for have a free hand have a free mind have a friendly chat have a funny feeling have a gargle have a gift for have a go have a go at have a gold mine have a good appetite have a good chance have a good head for have a good knowledge of have a good mind to have a good time have a good time of it have a good word for have a great mind to have a guzzle have a hand in have a handful of thumbs have a hard time of it have a head on your shoulders have a healthy lead have a heart have a heart of stone have a heart-to-heart talk have a hemorrhage have a high opinion of have a hold over have a hunch have a jag on have a job have a joker have a joker in the deck have a kicker have a lech for have a leg to stand on have a little learning have a little talk have a long nose have a look at have a looksee have a lot to do with have a lot to say about have a mash on have a memory like a sieve have a mind like a sieve have a mind of your own have a mind to have a mint have a misery have a mishap have a monkey on your back have a mortgage-burning party have a mote in the eye have a near miss have a nerve have a nervous breakdown have a nest egg have a nice trip have a nip have a part in have a partiality have a percentage of have a picture of have a piece of have a premonition have a presentiment have a rehearsal have a relapse have a relish of have a right to have a rightful claim to have a rightful claim upon have a run have a run of luck have a screw loose have a sensation have a short attention span have a short fuse have a short memory have a short memory span have a shot at have a show of hands have a skinful have a slight chance have a small chance have a snootful have a soft place in your heart have a soft spot in your heart have a stake in have a storm in a teacup have a storm in a teapot have a string attached have a stroke of luck have a strong effect have a swelled head have a talent for have a talk with have a tantrum have a tapeworm have a taste for have a temper have a temper tantrum have a tempest in a teacup have a tempest in a teapot have a tendency have a tender heart have a test run have a theory have a thick skin have a thing about have a thorough knowledge of have a tiger by the tail have a title to have a tongue in your head have a turn for have a very red face have a voice in have a way with one have a way with you have a weakness for have a will of your own have a willing heart have a wolf in your stomach have a word with have a yellow streak have a yen for have about enough of have accounts to settle have all the earmarks of have all the features of have all the luck have all the money in the world have all the signs of have all to yourself have all you can stand have all you can take have all your eyes about one have all your eyes about you have all your marbles have all your wits about one have all your wits about you have alook at have an account with have an ague have an alias have an anchor to windward have an attraction have an ax to grind have an ear for have an ear to the ground have an edge have an edge on have an entree have an eye for have an eye to have an idea have an idea of have an impression have an in have an in with have an income of have an inkling have an intimation have an opportunity have an overdose of have an understanding have an upright carriage have and hold have another crack have another go have another shot have another think coming have another try have ants in your pants have as a fulcrum have as a guest have as a lodger have as many phases as the moon have as your master have at have at a disadvantage have at heart have at it have at your command have at your disposal have at your disposition have at your elbow have at your fingers' ends have at your fingers' tips have at your pleasure have bats in the belfry have bats in your belfry have been around have been through the mill have being have better things to do have birth have blood in your eyes have by heart have by rote have charisma have chilblains have childlike faith in have clean hands have clout have cold feet have coming have coming in have confidence have confidence in have connection with have consideration for have constantly in your thoughts have control of have conversations have courage have currency have cut your eyeteeth have cut your wisdom teeth have dead to rights have dealings with have deep feelings have designs on have difficulty have done have done with have doubts have down cold have down pat have drag have duck bumps have eating out of your hand have effect have energy have enough have every appearance of have every indication of have every intention have every intention of have every sign of have everything going your way have everything to learn have evidence have exclusive possession of have exclusive rights to have eyes for have eyes only for have faith have faith in have favorable odds have for your own have for your very own have foreboding have free play have free scope have full play have fun have good prospects have goose bumps have goose pimples have goosebumps have gooseflesh have got have got to have green in the eye have had it have had its day have had your day have half a mind to have hallucinations have high visibility have hot pants for have in have in contemplation have in hand have in mind have in prospect have in reserve have in sight have in store have in store for have in view have in your eye have in your grasp have in your grip have in your head have in your mind have in your possession have in your power have independent means have influence have influence over have information about have intercourse have it have it all over have it all your own way have it all your way have it bad have it both ways at once have it break good for one have it coming have it easy have it in for have it made have it out have it out of have it reported have it soft have it taped have it up to here have its place have its seat in have its slot have its time have knowledge have knowledge of have leverage have life have little in common have little recall have little to say have little weight have lots of laughs have magnetism have many irons in the fire have means have mercy upon have money have money to burn have more than you can hold have much ado with have need to have nine lives like a cat have no alternative have no association with have no attention span have no bounds have no business have no chance have no choice have no claim upon have no conception have no desire for have no diffidence have no doubt have no ears have no end have no expectation have no false modesty have no fight left have no hand in have no idea have no kick coming have no liking for have no limit have no limits have no lower to go have no measures with have no misgivings have no more have no notion have no objection have no opportunity have no option but have no patience with have no plan have no qualms have no recollection of have no regrets have no relish for have no remembrance of have no reservations have no right to have no scruple of have no second thoughts have no secrets have no self-doubt have no shame have no taste for have no term have no thought of have no time for have no time to lose have no time to spare have no title to have no truck with have no turning have no use for have no words for have not a hope have not a prayer have nothing but time have nothing in common have nothing on have nothing to do have nothing to do with have occasion for have on have on the brain have on the edge of your memory have on the hip have on the tip of the tongue have on the tip of your tongue have on your hands have on your mind have on your shoulders have one foot in the grave have one for the road have one to know have origin have other fish to fry have other things to do have out have patience and endure have peace one with another have permission have personality have pity have place have play have plenty of time have plenty on the ball have power have power over have preference have prestige have priority have proof have pull have qualms have quite enough have rather have recourse to have regard for have repercussions have reservations have run its course have run out have savvy have scruples have second thoughts have seen better days have seen your best days have seen your day have sex have sexual relations have simple faith in have smarts have someone on have something have something laid by have something on have something on the ball have something on the brain have something to draw on have sown your wild oats have sternway on have subject have suction have suffrage have suspicions have tenure have tenure of have tenure of appointment have that or nothing have the advantage of have the appearance of have the ascendancy have the audacity have the bar sinister have the best of have the chances against one have the chances against you have the cheek have the cold creeps have the cold shivers have the conn have the creeps have the deed for have the drop on have the ear of have the facts have the fidgets have the flavor of have the floor have the force of have the friendship of have the function of have the gall have the game in your hands have the game in your own hands have the gift of gab have the golden touch have the goodness have the goods on have the grace to have the guts have the hang of it have the idea have the impression have the inside track have the jitters have the job of have the jump on have the knack have the last laugh on have the last word have the latchstring out have the law of have the law on have the look of have the makings of have the mastery of have the mission of have the nerve have the odds against one have the odds against you have the opinion have the power have the prerequisites have the qualifications have the right have the role of have the run of have the say have the say-so have the sense of have the shakes have the start have the sway have the top place have the top spot have the touch have the upper hand have the use of have the wherewithal have the whip hand have the wind of have the world at your feet have the worst of it have thoughts about have tied to your apron strings have time have time enough have time to spare have title to have to have to answer for have to do with have to fall back upon have to hand it to have to run for it have to your name have too many irons in the fire have too much have too much of a good thing have trouble have truck with have two minds have two strings to your bow have under control have undertaken have up have up your sleeve have way upon have weight have well in hand have what it takes have what you say go have words have words with have you on the ropes have young have your back to the wall have your blood on your head have your blood up have your cake and eat it too have your credit good for have your doubts have your ear have your eye on have your fill have your fling have your hand in the till have your hands full have your hands in have your hands tied have your head screwed on right have your heart bleed for have your heart in your mouth have your heart set against have your heart set on have your innings have your measure have your moments have your monkey up have your name in lights have your nerve have your nose out of joint have your number have your options eliminated have your options reduced have your own way have your period have your place in the sun have your revenge have your say have your time have your way have your will have your wits about you have-been have-not have-nots have-nots from haughty airs haul around haul down haul down your colors haul down your flag haul in with haul into court haul off haul over the coals haul round haul the wind haul to haul up haul your wind haulage incline hauling down haunch bone haunch-bone haunt the memory haunt your thoughts haunted with fear hausse-col haut couture haut monde haut-gout haut-pas haut-relief haut-ton hautbois strawberry haute cole haute couture haute cuisine haute ecole haute mal haute vulgarisation haute-feuillite haute-piece have a BM have a baby have a bad time have a bad time of it have a ball have a bee in your bonnet have a bellyful have a bellyful of have a bent for have a bias have a big bazoo have a big mouth have a big nose have a blind side have a blind spot have a bone in your neck have a bone in your throat have a bone to pick have a bone to pick with have a bone to pick with someone have a bowel movement have a brush with have a bump for have a cake in the oven have a canary have a care have a case have a case on have a cat fit have a catch have a certain sameness have a certain state have a chance have a chance at have a change of heart have a charmed life have a chill have a chip on your shoulder have a clean bill of health have a clear conscience have a comedown have a conniption have a conniption fit have a cozy chat have a crow to pick have a crow to pick with have a crow to pluck have a crow to pluck with have a crow to pull with have a crush on have a demon have a devil have a devil in one have a devil in you have a disaffinity for have a dram have a drink have a drop too much have a dry run have a duck fit have a faculty for have a falling-out have a fancy for have a feeling have a fine time of it have a finger in have a finger in the pie have a flair for have a fling at have a fondness for have a free hand have a free mind have a friendly chat have a funny feeling have a gargle have a gift for have a go have a go at have a gold mine have a good appetite have a good chance have a good head for have a good knowledge of have a good mind to have a good time have a good time of it have a good word for have a great mind to have a guzzle have a hand in have a handful of thumbs have a hard time of it have a head on your shoulders have a healthy lead have a heart have a heart of stone have a heart-to-heart talk have a hemorrhage have a high opinion of have a hold over have a hunch have a jag on have a job have a joker have a joker in the deck have a kicker have a lech for have a leg to stand on have a little learning have a little talk have a long nose have a look at have a looksee have a lot to do with have a lot to say about have a mash on have a memory like a sieve have a mind like a sieve have a mind of your own have a mind to have a mint have a misery have a mishap have a monkey on your back have a mortgage-burning party have a mote in the eye have a near miss have a nerve have a nervous breakdown have a nest egg have a nice trip have a nip have a part in have a partiality have a percentage of have a picture of have a piece of have a premonition have a presentiment have a rehearsal have a relapse have a relish of have a right to have a rightful claim to have a rightful claim upon have a run have a run of luck have a screw loose have a sensation have a short attention span have a short fuse have a short memory have a short memory span have a shot at have a show of hands have a skinful have a slight chance have a small chance have a snootful have a soft place in your heart have a soft spot in your heart have a stake in have a storm in a teacup have a storm in a teapot have a string attached have a stroke of luck have a strong effect have a swelled head have a talent for have a talk with have a tantrum have a tapeworm have a taste for have a temper have a temper tantrum have a tempest in a teacup have a tempest in a teapot have a tendency have a tender heart have a test run have a theory have a thick skin have a thing about have a thorough knowledge of have a tiger by the tail have a title to have a tongue in your head have a turn for have a very red face have a voice in have a way with one have a way with you have a weakness for have a will of your own have a willing heart have a wolf in your stomach have a word with have a yellow streak have a yen for have about enough of have accounts to settle have all the earmarks of have all the features of have all the luck have all the money in the world have all the signs of have all to yourself have all you can stand have all you can take have all your eyes about one have all your eyes about you have all your marbles have all your wits about one have all your wits about you have alook at have an account with have an ague have an alias have an anchor to windward have an attraction have an ax to grind have an ear for have an ear to the ground have an edge have an edge on have an entree have an eye for have an eye to have an idea have an idea of have an impression have an in have an in with have an income of have an inkling have an intimation have an opportunity have an overdose of have an understanding have an upright carriage have and hold have another crack have another go have another shot have another think coming have another try have ants in your pants have as a fulcrum have as a guest have as a lodger have as many phases as the moon have as your master have at have at a disadvantage have at heart have at it have at your command have at your disposal have at your disposition have at your elbow have at your fingers' ends have at your fingers' tips have at your pleasure have bats in the belfry have bats in your belfry have been around have been through the mill have being have better things to do have birth have blood in your eyes have by heart have by rote have charisma have chilblains have childlike faith in have clean hands have clout have cold feet have coming have coming in have confidence have confidence in have connection with have consideration for have constantly in your thoughts have control of have conversations have courage have currency have cut your eyeteeth have cut your wisdom teeth have dead to rights have dealings with have deep feelings have designs on have difficulty have done have done with have doubts have down cold have down pat have drag have duck bumps have eating out of your hand have effect have energy have enough have every appearance of have every indication of have every intention have every intention of have every sign of have everything going your way have everything to learn have evidence have exclusive possession of have exclusive rights to have eyes for have eyes only for have faith have faith in have favorable odds have for your own have for your very own have foreboding have free play have free scope have full play have fun have good prospects have goose bumps have goose pimples have goosebumps have gooseflesh have got have got to have green in the eye have had it have had its day have had your day have half a mind to have hallucinations have high visibility have hot pants for have in have in contemplation have in hand have in mind have in prospect have in reserve have in sight have in store have in store for have in view have in your eye have in your grasp have in your grip have in your head have in your mind have in your possession have in your power have independent means have influence have influence over have information about have intercourse have it have it all over have it all your own way have it all your way have it bad have it both ways at once have it break good for one have it coming have it easy have it in for have it made have it out have it out of have it reported have it soft have it taped have it up to here have its place have its seat in have its slot have its time have knowledge have knowledge of have leverage have life have little in common have little recall have little to say have little weight have lots of laughs have magnetism have many irons in the fire have means have mercy upon have money have money to burn have more than you can hold have much ado with have need to have nine lives like a cat have no alternative have no association with have no attention span have no bounds have no business have no chance have no choice have no claim upon have no conception have no desire for have no diffidence have no doubt have no ears have no end have no expectation have no false modesty have no fight left have no hand in have no idea have no kick coming have no liking for have no limit have no limits have no lower to go have no measures with have no misgivings have no more have no notion have no objection have no opportunity have no option but have no patience with have no plan have no qualms have no recollection of have no regrets have no relish for have no remembrance of have no reservations have no right to have no scruple of have no second thoughts have no secrets have no self-doubt have no shame have no taste for have no term have no thought of have no time for have no time to lose have no time to spare have no title to have no truck with have no turning have no use for have no words for have not a hope have not a prayer have nothing but time have nothing in common have nothing on have nothing to do have nothing to do with have occasion for have on have on the brain have on the edge of your memory have on the hip have on the tip of the tongue have on the tip of your tongue have on your hands have on your mind have on your shoulders have one foot in the grave have one for the road have one to know have origin have other fish to fry have other things to do have out have patience and endure have peace one with another have permission have personality have pity have place have play have plenty of time have plenty on the ball have power have power over have preference have prestige have priority have proof have pull have qualms have quite enough have rather have recourse to have regard for have repercussions have reservations have run its course have run out have savvy have scruples have second thoughts have seen better days have seen your best days have seen your day have sex have sexual relations have simple faith in have smarts have someone on have something have something laid by have something on have something on the ball have something on the brain have something to draw on have sown your wild oats have sternway on have subject have suction have suffrage have suspicions have tenure have tenure of have tenure of appointment have that or nothing have the advantage of have the appearance of have the ascendancy have the audacity have the bar sinister have the best of have the chances against one have the chances against you have the cheek have the cold creeps have the cold shivers have the conn have the creeps have the deed for have the drop on have the ear of have the facts have the fidgets have the flavor of have the floor have the force of have the friendship of have the function of have the gall have the game in your hands have the game in your own hands have the gift of gab have the golden touch have the goodness have the goods on have the grace to have the guts have the hang of it have the idea have the impression have the inside track have the jitters have the job of have the jump on have the knack have the last laugh on have the last word have the latchstring out have the law of have the law on have the look of have the makings of have the mastery of have the mission of have the nerve have the odds against one have the odds against you have the opinion have the power have the prerequisites have the qualifications have the right have the role of have the run of have the say have the say-so have the sense of have the shakes have the start have the sway have the top place have the top spot have the touch have the upper hand have the use of have the wherewithal have the whip hand have the wind of have the world at your feet have the worst of it have thoughts about have tied to your apron strings have time have time enough have time to spare have title to have to have to answer for have to do with have to fall back upon have to hand it to have to run for it have to your name have too many irons in the fire have too much have too much of a good thing have trouble have truck with have two minds have two strings to your bow have under control have undertaken have up have up your sleeve have way upon have weight have well in hand have what it takes have what you say go have words have words with have you on the ropes have young have your back to the wall have your blood on your head have your blood up have your cake and eat it too have your credit good for have your doubts have your ear have your eye on have your fill have your fling have your hand in the till have your hands full have your hands in have your hands tied have your head screwed on right have your heart bleed for have your heart in your mouth have your heart set against have your heart set on have your innings have your measure have your moments have your monkey up have your name in lights have your nerve have your nose out of joint have your number have your options eliminated have your options reduced have your own way have your period have your place in the sun have your revenge have your say have your time have your way have your will have your wits about you have-been have-not have-nots have-nots
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Tracked on July 14, 2013 04:52 PM

» haughty airs haul around haul down haul down your colors haul down your flag haul in with haul into court haul off haul over the coals haul round haul the wind haul to haul up haul your wind haulage incline hauling down haunch bone haunch-bone haunt the memory haunt your thoughts haunted with fear hausse-col haut couture haut monde haut-gout haut-pas haut-relief haut-ton hautbois strawberry haute cole haute couture haute cuisine haute ecole haute mal haute vulgarisation haute-feuillite haute-piece have a BM have a baby have a bad time have a bad time of it have a ball have a bee in your bonnet have a bellyful have a bellyful of have a bent for have a bias have a big bazoo have a big mouth have a big nose have a blind side have a blind spot have a bone in your neck have a bone in your throat have a bone to pick have a bone to pick with have a bone to pick with someone have a bowel movement have a brush with have a bump for have a cake in the oven have a canary have a care have a case have a case on have a cat fit have a catch have a certain sameness have a certain state have a chance have a chance at have a change of heart have a charmed life have a chill have a chip on your shoulder have a clean bill of health have a clear conscience have a comedown have a conniption have a conniption fit have a cozy chat have a crow to pick have a crow to pick with have a crow to pluck have a crow to pluck with have a crow to pull with have a crush on have a demon have a devil have a devil in one have a devil in you have a disaffinity for have a dram have a drink have a drop too much have a dry run have a duck fit have a faculty for have a falling-out have a fancy for have a feeling have a fine time of it have a finger in have a finger in the pie have a flair for have a fling at have a fondness for have a free hand have a free mind have a friendly chat have a funny feeling have a gargle have a gift for have a go have a go at have a gold mine have a good appetite have a good chance have a good head for have a good knowledge of have a good mind to have a good time have a good time of it have a good word for have a great mind to have a guzzle have a hand in have a handful of thumbs have a hard time of it have a head on your shoulders have a healthy lead have a heart have a heart of stone have a heart-to-heart talk have a hemorrhage have a high opinion of have a hold over have a hunch have a jag on have a job have a joker have a joker in the deck have a kicker have a lech for have a leg to stand on have a little learning have a little talk have a long nose have a look at have a looksee have a lot to do with have a lot to say about have a mash on have a memory like a sieve have a mind like a sieve have a mind of your own have a mind to have a mint have a misery have a mishap have a monkey on your back have a mortgage-burning party have a mote in the eye have a near miss have a nerve have a nervous breakdown have a nest egg have a nice trip have a nip have a part in have a partiality have a percentage of have a picture of have a piece of have a premonition have a presentiment have a rehearsal have a relapse have a relish of have a right to have a rightful claim to have a rightful claim upon have a run have a run of luck have a screw loose have a sensation have a short attention span have a short fuse have a short memory have a short memory span have a shot at have a show of hands have a skinful have a slight chance have a small chance have a snootful have a soft place in your heart have a soft spot in your heart have a stake in have a storm in a teacup have a storm in a teapot have a string attached have a stroke of luck have a strong effect have a swelled head have a talent for have a talk with have a tantrum have a tapeworm have a taste for have a temper have a temper tantrum have a tempest in a teacup have a tempest in a teapot have a tendency have a tender heart have a test run have a theory have a thick skin have a thing about have a thorough knowledge of have a tiger by the tail have a title to have a tongue in your head have a turn for have a very red face have a voice in have a way with one have a way with you have a weakness for have a will of your own have a willing heart have a wolf in your stomach have a word with have a yellow streak have a yen for have about enough of have accounts to settle have all the earmarks of have all the features of have all the luck have all the money in the world have all the signs of have all to yourself have all you can stand have all you can take have all your eyes about one have all your eyes about you have all your marbles have all your wits about one have all your wits about you have alook at have an account with have an ague have an alias have an anchor to windward have an attraction have an ax to grind have an ear for have an ear to the ground have an edge have an edge on have an entree have an eye for have an eye to have an idea have an idea of have an impression have an in have an in with have an income of have an inkling have an intimation have an opportunity have an overdose of have an understanding have an upright carriage have and hold have another crack have another go have another shot have another think coming have another try have ants in your pants have as a fulcrum have as a guest have as a lodger have as many phases as the moon have as your master have at have at a disadvantage have at heart have at it have at your command have at your disposal have at your disposition have at your elbow have at your fingers' ends have at your fingers' tips have at your pleasure have bats in the belfry have bats in your belfry have been around have been through the mill have being have better things to do have birth have blood in your eyes have by heart have by rote have charisma have chilblains have childlike faith in have clean hands have clout have cold feet have coming have coming in have confidence have confidence in have connection with have consideration for have constantly in your thoughts have control of have conversations have courage have currency have cut your eyeteeth have cut your wisdom teeth have dead to rights have dealings with have deep feelings have designs on have difficulty have done have done with have doubts have down cold have down pat have drag have duck bumps have eating out of your hand have effect have energy have enough have every appearance of have every indication of have every intention have every intention of have every sign of have everything going your way have everything to learn have evidence have exclusive possession of have exclusive rights to have eyes for have eyes only for have faith have faith in have favorable odds have for your own have for your very own have foreboding have free play have free scope have full play have fun have good prospects have goose bumps have goose pimples have goosebumps have gooseflesh have got have got to have green in the eye have had it have had its day have had your day have half a mind to have hallucinations have high visibility have hot pants for have in have in contemplation have in hand have in mind have in prospect have in reserve have in sight have in store have in store for have in view have in your eye have in your grasp have in your grip have in your head have in your mind have in your possession have in your power have independent means have influence have influence over have information about have intercourse have it have it all over have it all your own way have it all your way have it bad have it both ways at once have it break good for one have it coming have it easy have it in for have it made have it out have it out of have it reported have it soft have it taped have it up to here have its place have its seat in have its slot have its time have knowledge have knowledge of have leverage have life have little in common have little recall have little to say have little weight have lots of laughs have magnetism have many irons in the fire have means have mercy upon have money have money to burn have more than you can hold have much ado with have need to have nine lives like a cat have no alternative have no association with have no attention span have no bounds have no business have no chance have no choice have no claim upon have no conception have no desire for have no diffidence have no doubt have no ears have no end have no expectation have no false modesty have no fight left have no hand in have no idea have no kick coming have no liking for have no limit have no limits have no lower to go have no measures with have no misgivings have no more have no notion have no objection have no opportunity have no option but have no patience with have no plan have no qualms have no recollection of have no regrets have no relish for have no remembrance of have no reservations have no right to have no scruple of have no second thoughts have no secrets have no self-doubt have no shame have no taste for have no term have no thought of have no time for have no time to lose have no time to spare have no title to have no truck with have no turning have no use for have no words for have not a hope have not a prayer have nothing but time have nothing in common have nothing on have nothing to do have nothing to do with have occasion for have on have on the brain have on the edge of your memory have on the hip have on the tip of the tongue have on the tip of your tongue have on your hands have on your mind have on your shoulders have one foot in the grave have one for the road have one to know have origin have other fish to fry have other things to do have out have patience and endure have peace one with another have permission have personality have pity have place have play have plenty of time have plenty on the ball have power have power over have preference have prestige have priority have proof have pull have qualms have quite enough have rather have recourse to have regard for have repercussions have reservations have run its course have run out have savvy have scruples have second thoughts have seen better days have seen your best days have seen your day have sex have sexual relations have simple faith in have smarts have someone on have something have something laid by have something on have something on the ball have something on the brain have something to draw on have sown your wild oats have sternway on have subject have suction have suffrage have suspicions have tenure have tenure of have tenure of appointment have that or nothing have the advantage of have the appearance of have the ascendancy have the audacity have the bar sinister have the best of have the chances against one have the chances against you have the cheek have the cold creeps have the cold shivers have the conn have the creeps have the deed for have the drop on have the ear of have the facts have the fidgets have the flavor of have the floor have the force of have the friendship of have the function of have the gall have the game in your hands have the game in your own hands have the gift of gab have the golden touch have the goodness have the goods on have the grace to have the guts have the hang of it have the idea have the impression have the inside track have the jitters have the job of have the jump on have the knack have the last laugh on have the last word have the latchstring out have the law of have the law on have the look of have the makings of have the mastery of have the mission of have the nerve have the odds against one have the odds against you have the opinion have the power have the prerequisites have the qualifications have the right have the role of have the run of have the say have the say-so have the sense of have the shakes have the start have the sway have the top place have the top spot have the touch have the upper hand have the use of have the wherewithal have the whip hand have the wind of have the world at your feet have the worst of it have thoughts about have tied to your apron strings have time have time enough have time to spare have title to have to have to answer for have to do with have to fall back upon have to hand it to have to run for it have to your name have too many irons in the fire have too much have too much of a good thing have trouble have truck with have two minds have two strings to your bow have under control have undertaken have up have up your sleeve have way upon have weight have well in hand have what it takes have what you say go have words have words with have you on the ropes have young have your back to the wall have your blood on your head have your blood up have your cake and eat it too have your credit good for have your doubts have your ear have your eye on have your fill have your fling have your hand in the till have your hands full have your hands in have your hands tied have your head screwed on right have your heart bleed for have your heart in your mouth have your heart set against have your heart set on have your innings have your measure have your moments have your monkey up have your name in lights have your nerve have your nose out of joint have your number have your options eliminated have your options reduced have your own way have your period have your place in the sun have your revenge have your say have your time have your way have your will have your wits about you have-been have-not have-nots have-nots from haughty airs haul around haul down haul down your colors haul down your flag haul in with haul into court haul off haul over the coals haul round haul the wind haul to haul up haul your wind haulage incline hauling down haunch bone haunch-bone haunt the memory haunt your thoughts haunted with fear hausse-col haut couture haut monde haut-gout haut-pas haut-relief haut-ton hautbois strawberry haute cole haute couture haute cuisine haute ecole haute mal haute vulgarisation haute-feuillite haute-piece have a BM have a baby have a bad time have a 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